About Me

Long Island, New York, United States
I'm a 20 year who is currently attending college with a major in Computer Engineering. I have been a gamer pretty much my entire life and I am totally OK with that. People always ask me, "Don't you ever get bored of video games?" And my response?, "Absolutely Not." The way I see it, video games is a way I can get away from reality and relax in an environment where no matter what happens, it's not going to change the outcome of my everyday life, at least I hope it won't :). As stated earlier, I have been a gamer pretty much my entire life. But, within the past year, I have thought to myself, "Wouldn't it be cool to share my gaming experiences with people from all around the world?" Well, that is the premise behind this blog. Within this blog, you will find different pages for the different video games that I am currently playing (PC/Mac Only). Within each games respective page, I will be posting about my thoughts on the game, different updates or patches, and even giving you guys and girls some tips that have helped me in the past with these games. Hopefully you enjoy the content I will provide, and hopefully you will be a long time reader :)


Thursday, August 12, 2010

Spammer's in FlyFF

Server: Lawolf
Name: Ainia
Class: Ranger
Level: 76

Hey all. This topic is going to be about something that really ticks me off in FlyFF...Spammers.

Now, before I get into why i hate them so much, I just want to make it clear as to what type of spammer I am talking about. The people who are constantly shouting looking to sell things or looking for Contri's or partners, I am perfectly OK with. That is the beauty of having a Full Shout. The spammers that annoy me are the ones who, mostly are in Flaris, that are constantly spamming in General Chat that they are selling Penya on a website for a very cheap price.

The reason i cannot stand these people is because for me, it causes nothing but lag whenever I try to browse shops, or even just walk around. What I find myself doing most of the time is changing my chat Filter so that it doesn't show things from the General Chat. It gets very annoying to be honest because its hard to enjoy a game that is constantly being flooded by people who are selling, what I understand it as, an illegal service.

Now, I know FlyFF has added a chat-mute feature to the game that will mute players for 3 minutes if they are typing in General Chat too fast. However, these people who are spamming have found a way around that by setting up the spam bot to say things in chat at a slow, but yet very fast pace in order to keep them below the mute feature. And what annoys me about the mute feature is that sometimes I will be talking to my friend in General Chat, and since I can type around 110 words-per-minute, I end up getting muted. It gets quite annoying that me, a player who is just trying to have a conversation with a friend, and most of the time its in a secluded area, end up getting muted rather than these people who are constantly spamming.

What can be done to help this? Well, I have been thinking that maybe FlyFF can hire people who take 1 hour shifts, traveling to the different major towns, and force muting players, or bots, that are spamming. To be honest, other than taking the muting into manual control, I don't really see any other way to stop people, or in this case, Penya selling companies, from spamming and flooding the game with their service.

Let me know your opinion on spammers and if you have any ideas on how FlyFF would be able to put a stop to it


  1. I wish they would go around and mute them as well, but the problem is it would be totally pointless, they make new accounts too fast =/ the only thing I've heard to stop the annoyance is typing /ignore or /ig then the player name, which ignores them. I have muted myself a few times typing too fast too =/ quite frustrating haha.

  2. Not fair! I was about to post something on this Q.Q

    I personally think they DON'T stop them on purpose. They allow people to buy the penya and then issue a ban. It's a way to keep inflation down.

    I cannot imagine that they can't keep an eye on spammers. Sometimes I see the same one sitting there for days.

    I wish they'd give you a severe chat limitation until level 5 or so. Maybe something like 2 texts a minute. It'd at least force the spammers to grind a bit. :D

  3. Hehe, sorry about taking your idea XD

    And ya, I think putting a chat limitation would be a really smart idea. I never thought about that.

  4. world of Warcraft use to have this same problem till they decided enough was enough and started throwing there weight around as GM's. the bigger company's they straight up sued out of exestance. and the rest they simply found a way to keep the bots out. nowadays you rarely see any spam of any kind. still get the emails in my junk email though. it's kind of annoying that i am assuming since the devs figure this is a F2P that there is nothing they can do. this is not true and i hope that idea changes soon.

  5. So I tried the ol' /ignore routine and even though it says I've ignored that person, the spam is still flooding my message box. I wouldn't mind it so much if I could atleast read what someone says to me for a second but this guy is spamming so fast no one can get a word in. Any thoughts on how to block him from showing it.
