About Me

Long Island, New York, United States
I'm a 20 year who is currently attending college with a major in Computer Engineering. I have been a gamer pretty much my entire life and I am totally OK with that. People always ask me, "Don't you ever get bored of video games?" And my response?, "Absolutely Not." The way I see it, video games is a way I can get away from reality and relax in an environment where no matter what happens, it's not going to change the outcome of my everyday life, at least I hope it won't :). As stated earlier, I have been a gamer pretty much my entire life. But, within the past year, I have thought to myself, "Wouldn't it be cool to share my gaming experiences with people from all around the world?" Well, that is the premise behind this blog. Within this blog, you will find different pages for the different video games that I am currently playing (PC/Mac Only). Within each games respective page, I will be posting about my thoughts on the game, different updates or patches, and even giving you guys and girls some tips that have helped me in the past with these games. Hopefully you enjoy the content I will provide, and hopefully you will be a long time reader :)


Wednesday, August 25, 2010

Moonstone Drop and 1.5X EXP Event (Day 7)

Server: Lawolf
Name: Ainia/YoCroJest
Class: Ranger/Jester(Bow)
Level: 76/72

Well, everyone, welcome to day 7 of this marvelous 14 day, double event. Toady, we are presented with a Moonstone Drop (again) and a 1.5X EXP. I just want to say, before I get into my thoughts of these 2 events, that I am feeling much better after getting my Wisdom Teeth pulled. I was actually able to play some FlyFF and I was very happy about that.

Moonstone Drop Event. This isn't my favorite of all the events, but it's not the worst. In my opinion, Moonstones drop enough as it is, so having an event for them, in my opinion, doesn't really help that much. As of now, in my bank, I have over 175 Moonstones that I have no idea what to do with. Sell them? Well yes, I do plan on selling a good chunk of them, but I want to wait until the market increases a little bit so I can make a bigger profit. During this event, I was able to farm up about 10-12 Moonstones. It wasn't the greatest amount, but I am not disappointed at the number I got. I am more disappointed that they are all Event Moonstones, meaning I cannot trade them and I am forced to use them (which I rarely do).

1.5X EXP Event. Now this is what I am talking about. Another EXP event is always a great event in my book. Even though I was only able to gain 2 levels, I still thoroughly enjoyed the increased EXP. It made grinding in Azria THAT much better. Also, I am pretty sure all my leaches enjoyed it. Throughout my 2-3 leaches I had, I think I leveled 2 of them to 60 (from around 55-56). And I must add, they were the nicest leaches I have seen in a while. They kept me entertained by talking to me rather then going AFK for the entire time. Also, they were very polite and thanked me multiple times for plvling them to 60.

Overall, this was an above average event for me. Even though I was unable to take full advantage of the 1.5X EXP event, I enjoyed the time that I did level for. Also, it made me meet new people, and that is the part of this game that I love the most.

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